Introduction to Gravity Sketch in VR (Part 3 of 3)

character design concept art gravity sketch marmoset toolbag 3 photoshop sketching vr Feb 25, 2020

In the last part of this quick intro to Gravity Sketch, I'm going to walk you through a simple process os taking the VR 3D sketch and render a nice image in Marmoset Toolbag 3. 

I'm also going to briefly show you another step of the process to further refine (or change) the design in Photoshop based on the render from Marmoset.

For the rendering part of the process, you can use any 3D rendering application that you feel comfortable with. I just chose Marmoset Toolbag 3, because it is really quick and simple to set up. However, you can do exactly the same thing in Blender Eevee, MaverickKeyshot, etc. 

Here is a more 'presentable' render from this concept after some very rough edits in Photoshop: